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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image

A Specter from the land of if

Title: A Specter from the land of if

Photographer/s: Outlandish Photography (Sarah Gerats, Frederik Heyman, Michèle Matyn, Fien Muller, Sarah van Marcke, Simon Vansnick)

Date of publication: August 2010

A Spoonful of Sugar

A Spoonful of Sugar

Title: A Spoonful of Sugar

Photographer/s: Ann Shelton

Date of publication: October 2015

A Sudden Drop


Title: A Sudden Drop

Photographer/s: Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson

Contributor/s: Essay by Stian Gabrielsen

Date of publication: 24.04.2015

A Symptom of Being

Title: A Symptom of Being

Photographer/s: JAMIE TANNER

Contributor/s: Foreword : OSAYI ENDOLYN

Date of publication: October 2011

A Thousand Ancestors

A Thousand Ancestors © Michelle Arcila

Title: A Thousand Ancestors

Photographer/s: Michelle Arcila

Contributor/s: Eivind Opsvik (Music)

Date of publication: December 2nd 2014

A to B

Title: A to B

Photographer/s: John MacLean

Date of publication: 3.4.11

A to Z series, an alphabet book

A to Z series

Title: A to Z series, an alphabet book

Photographer/s: Jane Waggoner Deschner

Contributor/s: Frank Pease, Muralcraft Studios, LaPorte, Indiana

Date of publication: 2015

A Westerly Direction

Title: A Westerly Direction

Photographer/s: Akemi Hiatt

Date of publication: December 2011

A winter’ s tale

A Winters Tale

Title: A winter’ s tale

Photographer/s: Mattia Vacca

Contributor/s: Emanuela Mirabelli, Maurizio Pratelli, Luca Galli

Date of publication: October 2014


Title: Abandoned

Photographer/s: Katsuo TAKAHASHI

Date of publication: Jul-2012