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Indie Photobook Library » >>Browse the iPL by Image


Aberdeen © Jay Turner Frey Seawell, Josh Poehlein

Title: Aberdeen

Photographer/s: Jay Turner Frey Seawell, Josh Poehlein

Date of publication: January 2015

About 9 m² full of dog shit (and piss)

About 9 m² full of dog shit (and piss) © Calin Kruse

Title: About 9 m² full of dog shit (and piss)

Photographer/s: Calin Kruse

Date of publication: 2013

Abstract Polaroids

Title: Abstract Polaroids

Photographer/s: Stuart Woodman

Date of publication: September 2011

Accordion Book for Blood Rites

Blood Rites mini

Title: Accordion Book for Blood Rites

Photographer/s: J.H. Hardcastle

Contributor/s: Cold Green Tea Press

Date of publication: April 20, 2015


Title: Acdcnyc

Photographer/s: Nemanja Knežević

Contributor/s: Design and layout – Stefan Unković / Translation and lectoring – Milena Nikolić

Date of publication: April 2010


Title: Achill

Photographer/s: Linda Brownlee

Contributor/s: Essay by Stefanie Braun

Date of publication: 19th November 2010

Acik Ev – Open House

Title: Acik Ev – Open House

Photographer/s: images found from turkish real estate websites

Contributor/s: Okay Karadayilar
Ali Taptik

Date of publication: 2009

Ad Infinitum

Ad Infinitum © Kris Vervaeke

Title: Ad Infinitum

Photographer/s: kris vervaeke

Date of publication: sept 2013

Adam Revington

Title: Adam Revington

Photographer/s: Adam Revington

Date of publication: July 2010



Title: Address

Photographer/s: Julia Borissova

Date of publication: march 2015