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Indie Photobook Library » Christian Reister

Alle Katzen Grau

Alle Katzen Grau

Title: Alle Katzen Grau

Photographer/s: Christian Reister

Contributor/s: Christian Reister

Date of publication: May 2015

Bist Du Glücklich?

Are You Happy?

Title: Bist Du Glücklich?

Photographer/s: Christian Reister

Contributor/s: Christian Reister

Date of publication: October 2014

Berlin + Wien

Berlin + Wien © Christian Reister and Kay von Aspern

Title: Berlin + Wien

Photographer/s: Christian Reister, Kay von Aspern

Contributor/s: Texts by Andrea Diener (German) and Nick Turpin (English)

Date of publication: March 1st, 2013

Video: Alex by Christian Reister

iPL catalog record for ALEX by Christian Reister.


Title: ALEX

Photographer/s: Christian Reister

Contributor/s: Introduction text by Falk Schreiber

Date of publication: 2010-10-16

Ankunft bei Aufbruch

Title: Ankunft bei Aufbruch

Photographer/s: Andreas Rost
Sebastian Hesse
Christian Reister

Contributor/s: Text by Ilija Trojanow and Ranjit Hoskote

Date of publication: October 2008