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Indie Photobook Library » Anthony Blasko

The Way Things Are, Vol 1

Title: The Way Things Are, Vol 1

Photographer/s: Anthony Blasko

Date of publication: 12/01/2010

Some Ways to Disappear: Volume I, Issue I, Summer 2010

Title: Some Ways to Disappear: Volume I, Issue I, Summer 2010

Photographer/s: Anthony Blasko (Featured Photographer), Hin Chua, Alistair Dickinson, Peter Eavis, James Hendrick, Kirill Kuletski, Carles Rodrigo, Nastya Tailakova.

Contributor/s: Kevin Finley, Ethan Joella, Michael Lee Johnson, Helena Kvarnström (Featured Writer), Sayre M. Quevedo, Mary Sheffield.

Date of publication: June 2010

The Way Things Are

Title: The Way Things Are

Photographer/s: Anthony Blasko

Date of publication: July 2009